
If you have been regularly reading my blog, you might remember the entry about my garden. It is really glorious this year, after lots of work and planning–and some lucky mistakes!

I planted plants specifically to attract hummingbirds and butterflies and chose the sunny spot right under my kitchen window. The butterflies have been coming since I first planted the garden. But this year, many more kinds have come. I have been happy to notice a tiny blue butterfly that is indigenous to Indiana, one that was considered endangered a few years ago. We are only about twenty minutes from the Indiana border, so I am really delighted!

During most of the summer, I have been able to observe a family of hummingbirds. After planting and planning this hummingbird garden, it has taken about three years to establish it as a good place for them to visit regularly. Each morning, I have put on the coffee pot, opened the blinds and cranked up my laptop as I sit at the kitchen table. I have watched the little dynamos flock to the milkweed and cone flowers. I have been surprised by them loving my basil and mint and have been delighted to see their antics. Monday, I saw the tiniest bird–a baby hummingbird!–and watched her take a drink from the hummingbird feeder I had just refilled.

I am still enjoying the garden as it begins to change for fall. I know the birds and butterflies will be leaving on their migrations soon. I will miss their colorful swishes past my window and hope they come back next year. I know I will do everything possible to continue hosting them in my garden. I have a few new ideas that might attract the birds earlier next year and I will try them, in addition to what I know already works.

I think of my garden and the hummingbirds and butterflies as I prepare our concerts and programs and fundraisers for the coming year. What am I doing to attract singers and audiences? I try to do things I know work and will also try a few new things. I want repeats as well as new folks….and enjoy our successes and try to make it even better!

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