Audition Protocol and Membership Requirements


Please call the Midwest Motet Society at (708) 206-0380 or email––the music director to schedule an audition and interview appointment. The audition consists of some sight reading, vocalizing and singing either “My Country, ‘Tis of Thee” or “America, the Beautiful” with and without vibrato. You are interviewed and then, you interview the music director.


Each MMS singing member will be required to have an audition, an interview, and be fully vaccinated against COVID-19  to be considered a member-in-good-standing. The Music Director will schedule a one-on-one appointment for each singer applying for membership and will inform the applicant as to their acceptance in a timely fashion after their appointment. The Music Director has the final say as to acceptance. Musical ability is only a portion of what is looked at. In a Chamber Choir, attitude is also a consideration.

Each MMS member will be required to attend all rehearsals and inform the music director when they are not able to attend. There will be no set number of excused absences HOWEVER the Midwest Motet Society was not formed as a “pick up” ensemble. Rehearsing together as a group regularly is important to the MMS goal of becoming a blended, “choral instrument”.

Each MMS member will be expected to learn their part outside of rehearsal. Music and concert music CDs will be passed out by the Music Director in as much advance time as possible before rehearsals for each concert cycle begins. The Music Director will make every effort to supply CDs, foreign language “cheat sheets”, schedule sectionals and sends links to You Tube of performances but the responsibility of learning the notes and rhythms are each individual singer’s.

Members will be part of the MMS email list, will receive weekly rehearsal plans and will be expected to be prepared for each rehearsal with that rehearsal plan as guide. Rehearsals will not be “note-pounding” sessions but time to work on difficult sections and to work on becoming an ensemble.

Members will wear agreed upon concert attire.

There is no fee for membership; however, music is sometimes purchased. Loaned music will be accounted for and MMS members will be charged for music not returned after each concert cycle.

The two main concerts a calendar year are mandatory to be considered a member-in-good-standing and other community performances are not required. However, those performances are “out reach” for the MMS, both for cultivating audiences and as a recruiting tool for singers.